HR Managers/Recruitment Firms

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According to Christian Vetter, CEO of HR Forecast, "The last few years that included the Covid-19 pandemic pushed significant changes in working patterns. We've seen such phenomena as the Great Resignation and quiet quitting when employees work their bare minimum to stay afloat and don't get dismissed."
According to Gallup's 2023 survey report, "Employee engagement in the U.S. saw its first annual decline in a decade, dropping from 36% engaged employees in 2020 to 34% in 2021. This trend continued into 2022, with engagement at 32%, while 18% are actively disengaged."

Recruiting the right staff for the right job role is the greatest challenge for HR Managers post Covid-19. To find the right hire, the recruiting teams have to check up on candidates' skills, past work experiences, their personal goals and persona. However, the most critical factor is whether the selected candidate's character traits fit the job role.

Career Coaches/Consultants

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Even the best among us can feel lost at some point in our lives. They may not know what to do or which direction to take, and they may feel completely dis-empowered. The best decisions are made when they have clarity of their trueself - character strengths, talents, and a success strategy that is ideal for them. While they may be aware of some of these strengths and talents, many others remain hidden and not activated yet. It is here that they need to discover these innate talents and activate them so that they can live the lives that they are destined for.

As Career Coaches and Consultants, you will be able to help your Clients find their life path better when you know their Character CodesTM.


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According to Gallup's survey report of 25 January 2023:- Employee engagement in the U.S. saw its first annual decline in a decade -- dropping from 36% engaged employees in 2020 to 34% in 2021 and continued into 2022 at 32% , while 18% are actively disengaged. According to statistics released by, 44% of undergraduates cannot define the industry they would like to work in once they graduate (Gentle, 2015). The “OECD Career Guidance” handbook states that there is generally a lack of career guidance provision for students in tertiary education.

In fact, career guidance should have been made available to high school students when they need to select their majors. Students can get their My Career and Academic Pathways report at special price.

About Us


At Character CodeTM, we're redefining talent acquisition in response to a major challenge: 61% of top executives struggle with finding the ideal employee. Traditional hiring methods often fail, with a significant 20-25% of candidates not meeting role expectations, causing disruptions and financial setbacks for companies. Our core mission is to transform this landscape, aiming to make every new hire a long-term asset that propels businesses toward enduring success.

Central to our innovative approach is Character CodeTM, a character profiling tool developed through exhaustive research. Unlike conventional methods that focus on skills, behaviour, or personality, Character CodeTM delves into the foundational character traits of individuals.

These traits, we believe, are the most reliable predictors of a person’s long-term performance and fit within an organization. This deeper layer of insight provides HR managers with a decisive advantage, allowing them to identify candidates whose character aligns perfectly with the organizational ethos and role requirements.

The practical implications are significant: Character CodeTM streamlines the hiring process, saving both time and money. It helps organizations avoid the costly pitfalls of employee turnover by improving the likelihood that new hires will thrive in their roles. Beyond mere efficiency, our tool creates an environment conducive to both individual and organizational growth. When employees are a foundational fit, it fosters a productive workspace that contributes to the company's long-term success.

In essence, Character CodeTM isn't just offering a service; we're offering a pathway to sustainable growth. By harnessing the unparalleled potential of CharacterCodeTM, we aim to reshape the future of talent acquisition, benefiting both individuals and organizations. Our vision extends beyond task completion or skills alignment; we're unlocking human potential at its core, aligning it with organizational growth and long-term success.

Character CodeTM

When we consistently demonstrate positive character traits, such as honesty, empathy, and reliability, we build trust and credibility with others. Conversely, negative character traits can tarnish our image and reputation, hindering our ability to succeed. If we are known for being dishonest, unreliable, or selfish, others may hesitate to trust us or collaborate with us. It is essential to recognize that our character traits are not only personal attributes but also critical factors that influence how others view and interact with us.

The good news is that character traits are not fixed; they can be developed and improved upon. Developing good character traits requires self-awareness and a commitment to personal growth. It starts with identifying areas where improvement is needed and taking deliberate steps towards positive change.

Based on our research using big-data analytic by means of artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithm, we are able to synthesize the character traits of over thousands of individuals' data since 2008, into the following nine archetypes which we call Character CodesTM.

Feedbacks and testimonials received have shown that our analysis of the Character CodesTM has a rating of over 85-95% accuracy. In some instances, the Assessees did not agree with the analysis at first, but subsequently came back and told us that our analysis was correct, obviously after some reflections. Of course, there are some instances when the analysis were totally incorrect as the Assessees had "over-think" the answers when they did the assessment questionnaire.

Summary of the 9 Character CodeTM

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Character CodeTM 1 - Researcher/ Analyst


Independent, analytical, pro-active, innovative, persistent, always exploring new grounds and want to be first in everything he/she does. Tends to take the lead in research and analysis work. A compassionate person with high EQ with a strong sense of justice and righteousness.


Majority have rocky life paths and are poor in business operation. Those who are emotional and dominant can be bossy, demanding, selfish, egoistical and self-serving. Have difficulty in managing finances.

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Character CodeTM 2 - Diplomat/ Relations Officer


Extrovert and have the gift of the gap. Self-motivated, persuasive, charismatic, have high social awareness and prefer to think through before speaking.


Majority are soft-hearted and emotional. Over sensitivity and pessimism could affect decision making. Can be fickle-minded and indecisive as not satisfied with accomplishments.

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Character CodeTM 3 - Influencer/ Marketing Manager


Action-oriented and hands on person. Sociable, confident, talkative, assertive, likes organizing and mobilizing people. Happy-go-lucky and have a positive outlook in life.


Aggressive with a quick temper. Can be blunt, unpredictable and volatile. Relationships can be a roller coaster ride.

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Character CodeTM 4 - Administrator/ Accountant


Self-disciplined, dutiful and achievement-oriented, reliable and responsible. Prefer to plan before taking action. Systematic and meticulous with facts, figures and logic.


Have fixed mindset and lack tact when expressing his/her feelings. Workaholic and perfectionist causing him/her to loose sight of the big picture. Only likes to hear good things and will challenge aggressively if told he/she was wrong.

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Character CodeTM 5 - Commander/President


Driven risk taker, have foresight, strong ethics and not easily swayed by greed. Practical, structured, logical, loyal, goals oriented and trustworthy makes him/her a natural leader.


Could be emotional, dogmatic, uncompromising and stubborn. Being an ambivert, makes him/her unpredictable - sociable at times and being aloof at other times.

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Character CodeTM 6 - Coach/ HR Manager


Honest, trustworthy and strong sense of duty to take care of subordinates. Amiable, soft-hearted, compassionate, empathetic and sociable makes him/her a popular person. Good at managing relationship and assets.


Because of his/her good looks, charisma and refined taste, he/she would attracts many romantic interests. Some could be over critical of others and be seen as meddling in other people's issues, as he/she likes to help others.

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Character CodeTM 7 - Strategist/ CEO


Generally a multi-taker with an engineering mindset and good at problem solving. Innovative, resourceful and can see opportunities while others don't. Can acquire skills easily and is highly skilled. Usually being head-hunted for his/her skills. Goals oriented and can be domineering.


If not appreciated, he would leave and join a competitor or start a similar business to compete with the ex-employer. Likes to manage multiple jobs at the same time causing him/her to be stressed and blunt as he/she places achievement of goals as more important than relationship.

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Character CodeTM 8 - Operations Officer/COO


A workaholic with strong sense of justice, commitment, righteousness, career-minded and judgemental. Soft-hearted, family oriented, trustworthy, good listener (strong auditory), and prefer to keep a low profile as basically he/she is an introvert.


Overly cautious, entrenched in his own perspectives causing loss of opportunities. Could be a stressed-out workaholic as overly obsessed with achieving goals. Shun top leadership role and is comfortable being second-in-command.

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Character CodeTM 9 - Investor/ Entrepreneur


Intuitive, optimistic, efficient, open-minded, achievement-oriented, innovative and creative with business ideas. Able to put concepts and ideas into successful businesses. Being civilized, intelligent, cultured and mild-mannered can easily win the hearts of others.


Being compulsive workaholic tends to make him/her to be self-centered and highly stressed and might neglect the welfare of staff. As such, he/she has very few good friends and likes to seek refuge in tranquil environment.


Get your Free Character CodeTM report NOW and discover your true-self by clicking the button below!

Please note that this Free Character CodeTM report only gives you a brief glimpse of your true-self. However, if you want to know more about your true-self, you can get more in-depth Individual Personal Reports of yourself.

For Coaches/HR Managers/Trainers who are certified as Character Code™ Coaches, you will be able to purchase the following packages:

Free Report




Discount of 0%



Discount of 20%



Discount of 30%

HRM Package


Discount of 40%



Discount of 50%

Individual's Personal Reports

To harness the power of character, it is crucial to identify and understand our strengths and weaknesses. Understanding what we excel at and where we may struggle allows us to focus our energy on areas that will bring us the most success. Our strengths are the areas where we excel and have a natural talent. They are the qualities that energize us and make us feel confident. On the other hand, weaknesses are the areas where we struggle or lack proficiency.
By recognizing our weaknesses, we can work on improving them and turning them into strengths. Self-awareness is key to personal growth and development. Identifying both our strengths and weaknesses helps us navigate our path towards success and fulfillment.

About Me(for childern under 12 years old)


Top 5 Strengths


Know Thy-self


My Academic & Career Pathways


My Health


My Relationship


My Financial Health


My Outlook for the next 3 years


Corporate Reports

"Approximately 97% of employees believe that lack of alignment within a team impacts the outcome of a task or project." McKinsey

According to McKinsey, approximately 97% of employees believe that lack of alignment within a team impacts the outcome of a task or project. Good organizational alignment leads to optimum performance, belonging and personal satisfaction, which are essential factors in creating a work environment where employees want to stay and excel. When leadership teams and business functions are effectively tuned in to the same frequency, they become a collective force of motivated, accountable individuals who are capable of significant increases in business results. Hiring the best talent for your business is a must for long-term success.But even when you have the right people in the right roles, it’s not a guarantee for success.

If you want to build a great company, you need to turn these individuals into a group that truly works together. This means building team cohesion as team cohesion is the key to the efficiency of almost every successful business. Team cohesion occurs when a group of individuals feels connected and driven to achieve a common goal. A large part of team cohesion is maintaining unity throughout a project and being able to feel that one has actually contributed to the group’s success. Group members don’t just respect one another. They also trust each other to contribute equally, support each other, and work within the team with the ultimate goal in mind.

This is where getting the people with the right Character CodeTM for the right job role is critical for the success of your company.

For further information on Team Alignment, Contact Us for a discussion today.

Team Alignment < 20 Staff

Team Alignment < 40 Staff

CEO - Unlisted Co.

CEO - Listed Co.

Ambassador Program

Join our Ambassador Program and make additional income today!

"Unlock a journey of prosperity by becoming a part of our Ambassador Program. Elevate your financial horizons and embark on a path to supplementary earnings. Join us today and start shaping a brighter future!"

Character CodeTM Coach Certification

All our Ambassadors and Distributors will need to attend our training and be certified as our Character CodeTM Coaches.
Being certified as a Character CodeTM Coach, you will join the rank of professional Coaches trained in administrating Character CodeTM to individuals and corporate team members. You will be able to explain in greater depth the strengths, weaknesses, innate abilities, blind spots and other character traits of the individual being assessed. In addition, you will be able to conduct Organizational Alignment workshop for corporations.

For more details click here

Free Character CodeTM Report

Each of us possesses unique innate abilities that contribute to our character. These abilities are the natural talents and skills that we are born with. Whether it is a talent for writing, leadership, or problem-solving, embracing our innate abilities allows us to reach our full potential. Our innate abilities are the unique talents and aptitudes we possess from birth. These abilities are often the building blocks of our character and can significantly impact our success in various areas of life. By recognizing and nurturing these abilities, we can further enhance our character and leverage them to achieve greater success.

Get your FREE Character CodeTM report and discover your true-self. This FREE Character CodeTM report only provides you the basics of who you truly are. However, certain things mentioned therein might surprise you which you might not have known before. To truly understand yourself better, you can purchase more detailed report of yourself...

Get a copy of Your personal Character CodeTM report now!